Happy Tuesday! If you’ve read my blog over the last few weeks, you are probably curious about how to lose weight during the holidays, even though this may have felt impossible to even imagine in the past! This week focuses on taking action to get the results you want. So, now that you’ve decided to put your health first so that you can feel and look better, where do you start? That is always a common question that my clients have! The good news is that every person has a different set of strategies that works best for her. You just have to find the ones that fit your needs, your preferences, and your level of commitment. Here are a few ideas to help you get started:

  • What is your timeframe for losing weight?
  • How much weight do you want to lose?
  • Moderation vs Elimination: Which strategy works best for you?
  • Clear the Clutter: Get rid of temptations that might derail you (i.e. a monster size bag of Halloween candy)
  • Elimination reframe: because it serves my body vs punishment/deprivation
  • Reprograming diet culture messages (i.e. quick weight loss)
  • Remembering that there are 4 days of holidays not 3 months

Next is the big jump: start right away! No need for a “last supper”, just start! Set yourself up for success by getting the right foods in your house and removing temptations. It is all about how you treat yourself and how you think about getting healthy, so keep that in mind! Every BODY is unique, so let’s find what works for you!

Best of luck taking some action this week! If this is too overwhelming and you’d like to work with me one on one, I have a few spots left for this fall! Contact me at glepage7@me.com to learn more! Next week, we’ll talk about results!

You’ve got this!


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