Happy Wednesday! When you pay attention to how your body works and how your brain thinks, it’s a recipe for success with weight loss and a healthy lifestyle! This year, I decided to do something that I have done before: Have a sugar free Halloween! WHAT??? This sounds crazy, hard, and just plain impossible, doesn’t it? Not necessarily! If you do the work to train your brain to think about why you don’t need to fuel your body with sugar and how good you feel when you don’t, the magic of healthy eating takes over and becomes automatic. It’s a decision that is entirely up to you!
Research shows that sugar consumption harms you in so many ways and it is everywhere. Sometimes it’s obvious (i.e. candy), and sometimes it is hidden (i.e. pasta sauce). You have to be aware of how it shows up in foods.
Did you know that sugar has been compared to heroin in terms of its addictive nature? Did you know that eliminating sugar from your diet has been compared to withdrawal from drugs? Did you know that sugar adversely affects your skin, brain, insulin levels, your heart, and many more parts of your body? That is pretty shocking but so true! Have you ever thought about how much sugar you consume? It would be worth the time to evaluate your relationship with sugar right away!
So, how can you have a sugar free Halloween like I am this year? Here are a few simple ideas:
- Decide to skip the sugary Halloween treats this year and swap them for a healthier option like nuts or some fruit.
- Keep the sweets out of your reach and out of your house. You can’t eat what isn’t there!
- Hold on to fond memories of past Halloweens and remind yourself that you’ve probably had enough candy in your lifetime and it’s okay to pass on it this year.
- Remind yourself that healthy fuel for your body leads to a healthier and happier YOU!
My challenge to you is to look sugar in the face and make the first decision to push it aside. It’s empowering and courageous as you treat your body to more love and attention than sugary treats! Give it a try!
Not ready to try this on your own? Reach out to me to find out how I can help you! This is a very common issue that many of my clients work on and are quite successful with! It’s your turn! Happy Sugar Free Halloween! (If I can do this, anyone can!)
You’ve got this!