Young fit woman is preparing a protein meal in the kitchen.

We tend to put ourselves down on a regular basis. We tell ourselves that we aren’t good enough as we are and that we can’t do certain things. We often sell ourselves short on everything. Why?

The secret to achieving your weight loss goals is to find what you’re good at doing and use it as a strategy to lose weight. Work with your strengths to make progress! For example, if you are good at planning activities or events, start planning your meals for the week to include healthy options ahead of time so that you know what you are eating throughout the week. This includes creating a solid grocery list based on what you are going to cook and eat during the week. You could also plan your exercise by putting it on your calendar and honoring it like an appointment. That will help you to feel committed to show up and to keep that time set aside for moving your body. When you pencil it in on the calendar, it is more serious and more important. Chances are, you will stick to it with the same commitment that you would if it were an appointment. Perhaps you are good at cooking, so plan some new recipes for the week that will include more whole foods and fewer (or no) processed foods. Enlist the help of your family to contribute to meal making so that it’s not all work for you. It’s no secret that my culinary skills are very limited due to my lack of interest in cooking, but I’m a pretty helpful sous chef to my husband while he cooks. (I’m also good at buying groceries and cleaning up by doing the dishes.) Acknowledge what you are good at doing and find a way to incorporate it into your healthy lifestyle goals. Do you enjoy reading? Grab a book that talks about weight loss tips, trends, and practices in order to learn about ways to be healthier! Curious about intermittent fasting for example? Look it up online and read more about it to see if it suits you? Find experts who resonate with your style and philosophy on healthy living and follow them. There are so many free resources out there! There are also great investments available through programs, online memberships, and experts such as health coaches…just saying! Do your homework, be selective, and find the right people to guide you along. Another idea is to ask yourself what type of exercise or movement do you like? Look into what you can do to get started and get moving! Do you like walking? Dust off your treadmill and hop on or lace up those sneakers and go for a walk! Do you prefer a group exercise class at the gym? Look up the info and sign up so that you can show up sooner than later! Do you like to dance but haven’t done that in a while? Research what is offered in your area and sign up!

Whatever lights you up is what you would benefit from starting to get your body in motion! You will always find the time for things that you have an interest in and that are important to you, right?

So, find your inner Wonder Woman and get going on the path that will lead you to better health! There’s no time like the present, so get started by doing one small thing today! I know that you are worth it! CAUTION: How you do one thing is how you do everything, so expect that these new habits will show up in other parts of your life, as well. It’s very contagious!

Ready to get started on your weight loss journey but not sure where to start? I’m here to help! Contact me for a free 30-minute recovery session to learn more about my 10-week Meltaway Inside Out Program that is getting huge results for women over 35 who want to lose weight without diet drama. You could be next! You deserve to put your strengths to work so that you can see results sooner rather than later.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Georgette!

Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!



Happy Tuesday! We all know that moving your body is super important to your health, but did you realize how sedentary Americans are? In fact, 25% of Americans are considered inactive and do not move their bodies on a daily basis. YIKES! That directly contributes to obesity, diabetes, low energy, fatigue, depression, early aging, and multiple other health conditions. Isn’t that enough to get you off the couch and out the door for a brisk walk? If you are not yet a person who is active and moves your body, today’s blog is for you! 


So, where do you start? Just to be clear, not everyone wants to train for a marathon or hike Mount Everest, and that’s perfectly fine. Let’s acknowledge that we are all at different starting points and ability levels. Exercise is essentially body movement with intention. It means different things to different people, so define up front what it means to you and declare that as your way of moving your body. First, figure out what you do like to do to be active: Do you like walking? Does swimming interest you? Does jogging sound fun? Do you enjoy lifting weights? Does riding your bike refresh you? Whatever you enjoy, just start doing it TODAY! Don’t wait for perfect weather or tons of time or someone else to join you! It’s your responsibility to make the first step forward alone or with a buddy. Chances are that if you wait for someone else to initiate a time to exercise with you, you won’t get it done. 


It can start with parking your car further away in the parking lot at the grocery store or walking upstairs multiple times a day or doing yard work, for example. It can also mean signing up for a 5K race and plotting the training days and details on your calendar ahead of time. Another example is to walk your dog regularly or put your small child in a stroller and walk around the neighborhood. If weather gets in your way, walk indoors at the local mall, dust off your treadmill and hop on for a stroll or walk around your workplace during breaks and lunch. Do what works for you, do what lights you up and what it takes to move your body!

Treat your exercise like a paid appointment: put it on the calendar, show up on time, do the work, and check it off your list as you bask in the feeling of accomplishment and the release of endorphins. If you had a dentist appointment scheduled, you’d most likely show up on time, so why is your health any different? Aren’t you worth feeling better and living a more active lifestyle? I know that you are, so take my challenge to do something to improve your mood, energy level, stress level, and health while very possibly shedding a few pounds along the way. It’s a win win for you! Happy moving!


You’ve got this,



Happy Tuesday! Did you ever notice how good you feel about yourself when you’ve nailed the perfect outfit? It’s hard to deny the feeling of looking good in what you wear! It just feels empowering! When was the last time that you reflected on your style? Do you know what your style is? Are you satisfied with the clothes that you wear and how you look in them? At times, we tend to ignore updating our look and our clothes out of habit. Have you ever considered examining what you wear and how you wear it? It’s worth a peek into your closet to see where you are with your style! It’s one thing to feel comfortable in your clothes and another to actually look good in them. Here are 5 simple steps to ignite your inner fashionista! 



Are you 100% casual and live in workout clothes? Are you a jeans only girl? Are you trendy and follow all of the fashion fads? Think about the type of clothes you feel most comfortable in and the ones that fit you best and take a look at what you already have. Weed through the items to determine what needs to be kept, donated, or tossed in the garbage. Hold up each piece and ask yourself what vibe this puts out and how you feel wearing it. You’ll know what to do with it after this little test.



Do you care about wearing the latest look or do you have your own style and are happy with it? This will help you to decide the intensity that you need to apply during this sifting in the closet. If you’re more on the trendy side, follow expert stylists who you trust. You can also ask a friend who will be brutally honest with you about your clothes. Careful when you are shopping, though, as most salespeople assisting you in the dressing room when you are trying on clothes are there to make a sale, so their feedback may be biased. I do return to a particular store intentionally because I know they are very honest about how what I try on fits. Surprisingly, they offer me advice not to make me feel good about myself but to sell me the clothes that fit me better. My favorite stylists on YouTube are Kay Harms and Marnie Goldberg. Check them out if you need a starting point!


Would you like to have fewer clothes that are of higher quality or more pieces that are of lesser quality? There’s no right or wrong answer, so decide if less is more or more is best! Plan your budget accordingly. Many minimalists spend a lot of money on a few mix and match items and look fabulous. To me, it’s the difference between a handful of gourmet jelly beans and a big bag of cheap no name jelly beans. Quality wins every time! Plus, it cuts down on the overwhelm of having too much in your closet and the feeling of being stressed!



Tour your closet and notice what hangs out there right now. Does it feel like a beautiful boutique or a hot mess of disheveled clothes? Assess if it’s time to toss older items and replace them with new ones. You could do others a real favor by donating usable clothes in respectable condition, so don’t hesitate to pass on any items that no longer serve you. Also, it’s the perfect time to organize your closet and drawers to see what you actually have and need. Most of the time, less is more! The rule of thumb is that if you haven’t worn something in a year, it’s time to get rid of it! I have the one in, one out rule: when I buy something new, something in my closet has to go; it’s time to donate or throw it away!



Sometimes an “old” outfit simply needs some accessories to give it a refresh! Dress up a top or down play a dress with the right choice of jewelry, scarves, shoes or purses. Sometimes you just need a little something to complete your look! Have fun with dressing up your outfit to give it that final touch!


Have some fun and revamp your wardrobe to match your current mood, style, and interests. Act your age or not, but dress your body for success with a little thought and intention so that you can love the clothes you live in! Your confidence will soar when you look your best and it gives you incentive to keep working on your weight loss goals! 


You’ve got this!
