Happy Tuesday and Happy New Year in a few days! As we move into 2022, it’s the perfect time to look at feeding your mind with healthy fuel! As I’ve said before, you are what you consume! That includes both what you put into your body and what you put into your mind! Guess what? You have the power to control all of it! We can’t control our circumstances (the facts of what happens to us), but we CAN control how we react to it! How refreshing and how powerful!


Today, I want to offer you the possibility of feeding your mind positive, innovative fuel to help you grow your thoughts and knowledge of mental and physical health! Here are a few of my favorite fuel sources to share with you today! (I have enjoyed these immensely and do not receive anything for promoting these experts/sources.) Also, you can follow these experts on social media very easily! 



  • Boundary Boss by Terri Cole
  • Breaking Up with Sugar by Molly Carmel
  • Life is Messy by Matthew Kelly
  • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
  • The High 5 Habit by Mel Robbins



(note: This is where my new talk radio show Why Weight? With Georgette LePage will launch in January 2022!)




Enjoy starting the new year for the new you in 2022 with some positive, uplifting fuel sources for your brain! It will make a huge difference in how you feel! Let me know what you think!


You’ve got this!


Happy Tuesday! Here we are 4 days away from Christmas! It has been my pleasure leading you from the fall into this season with helpful tips and action steps to launch you into better healthy habits, especially at this difficult time of yummy temptations and treats galore. I hope you took at least one strategy and tried it.


If you tried to avoid gaining holiday weight and it worked, good for you! If you implemented some new strategies and lost some weight, good for you! If you gained some weight, today can be the day you make some changes. The point is that there is no right or wrong place to be right now. The power is within yourself. YOU get to decide the direction in which you move your health.


Now is a good opportunity to step back and pause to think about what you did differently and how it worked for you. How much effort did you put into getting results? How did you shift old ways of thinking to newer ones? How do your results feel? How do you feel about your overall health today and how is that different from a few months ago? This is the time to assess what you did and what you didn’t do so that you can move to the next step.


The new year is soon upon us and most people jumpstart new eating patterns and new resolutions thinking that they should wait until then. I’d like to suggest that you start one new habit TODAY! Why wait? What are you waiting for…really! Something to think about!


I will be guiding new clients as the year begins, so why haven’t you invested in your health by working with me? I’m ready to help you look better, feel better, and be your best self on the inside and out! Contact me today to set up a complimentary discovery session so that we can get started on your journey! I’m ready…are you???


You’ve got this!



Happy Tuesday! Here we are the week before Christmas! If you’ve been working on a weight loss goal at this hectic time of the year, good for you! How’s that going? If you’re hanging on tight just hoping not to pack on extra pounds, that’s an admirable plan. So, how are you doing? If you’ve already thrown in the towel and said, “WHY BOTHER?”,  how do you really feel about that? How is that goal serving you?

The good news is that there is not one way to do anything, so there is no right or wrong answer to these questions. YOU get to decide your goals and how important getting results is to you. YOU get to put actions into place that you want to do! YOU get to place any level of priority on your health goals. YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF YOU! 

That being said, I always tell clients that if they are ready to make some changes, they will be more successful by doing ONE new change at a time. Overwhelm and defeat set in when a goal is too big and is expected to be reached too fast. Ironically, I usually share this food analogy with my clients to help them to take small steps one at a time: We don’t eat a whole pan of brownies in one big gulp; we take small bites, one at a time. Why would you try to do everything all at once? Habits take time to form and they take time to reframe. 

Patience is the gift I invite you to give to yourself this week as you try to make some healthy changes to lose weight or to be a little healthier on the inside and out or to just “survive” the holidays with minimal to no weight gain. None of us just stood up and started running when we were toddlers, did we? Absolutely not! We wobbled, we fell down, we cried, we got back up and tried again hundreds of times. One day, we finally walked! And look at how well you are doing that today! 

Changing your health, especially during the holidays, requires patience, kindness to yourself, determination, perseverance, and the reality of doing one thing at a time! As you walk through this week, be aware of that one new thing that you are doing and be proud of your choice to make a change! Let me know what your one step is and how it went for you this week! I’ll be cheering you every step of the way!

You’ve got this!






Happy Tuesday! What happens when you slip up and make some mistakes with your weight loss goals? Do you get back up and move forward or do you slide down the waterfall of despair and plunge into further slips? Do you reset or restart your efforts? How do you feel after you slide backwards a bit? These are great questions to digest!

Restarting means going all the way back to the beginning and returning to step one. This action very often includes a bit of a binge on the way there. For example, if you had been avoiding sweets and had done well for a week and then you lost all control and over ate and then said forget it! Why because you think that you’ve blown the whole goal so you might as well overeat! It actually feels very defeating and worse when the eating frenzy is over than it did when you first slipped.

Resetting is when you make a mistake and press the pause button to think it over, own the misstep, and make a plan to move forward right away. For example, if you had been avoiding sweets and had done well for a week and then you lost all control and over ate, you would pause and look at the situation. Figure out why it happened and how you feel about it. You then would make the choice to forgive yourself, love yourself, and move forward with your goal. The key word is FORGIVE yourself! 

We all make mistakes and it’s okay. Shifting your mindset to accepting your mistakes and moving forward can make all the difference in the world to achieving your goal. If you’re a perfectionist, as I once WAS, you tend to look at situations with an “all or none” perspective. I’d like to offer the possibility of how it feels to reset your actions and to love yourself as you move forward with your goals to get the results that you want.

There is a quote by Max Lucado that says, “There is a reason the windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror. Your future matters more than your past.” How does that sit with you? Are you willing to try it the next time you slip up? Just look forward!

As the holiday temptations and stress come at you like a tidal wave, I encourage you to choose how you react to your mistakes. Will you restart or reset? How kind will you be to yourself? How will it feel when you decide your course of action? I can’t wait to find out what you decide…after all, you are empowered to make your own decisions! 

You’ve got this!


(Not ready to try this on your own? Let me know and we’ll start to work together! I’d love to be your health & life coach! Contact me at glepage7@me.com)