Group of people sitting around table with food

T’is the season…soon enough! As we settle into fall, there’s no denying what is headed our way as the holidays get closer and closer. This is my most exciting time of year as a health and life coach as I work with people to lose weight during a time of year that many consider to be impossible and difficult, yet I see so much opportunity and possibility that it has become something that I live by and I show others how to do the same. You see, it’s all about the mindset that you choose to embrace no matter what everyone else thinks, says or does. Ready for a new way to be healthy right now by not waiting until January 1st for damage control? Follow these 3 ways to reframe your thoughts about weight loss during the holidays and watch how successful you are with getting weight loss results among celebrations and traditions!

#1: Adopt the word “healthy lifestyle” and ditch the word “diet”

The first three letters of the word DIET spell die. Let me say that again. The first three letters of the word DIET spell die. The word die means to end, to be finished, to terminate. Therefore, when we say that we are on a “diet”, we tell ourselves that there is a beginning and an end and that once we reach the end, we can go back to our old ways. This way of thinking is not productive and does not move us into long-lasting habits. In fact, it indicates a temporary nature from the very first day. We justify a “diet” when we want to achieve a short-term goal: fitting into a wedding dress, going on a cruise, attending a special event such as a reunion, looking good in the Christmas card picture, or wearing a bathing suit on a beach trip. When we set our end goal of one event or occasion, it carries the assumption that once we reach the goal, everything will magically stay the same without the work it took to get us there and possibly with returning to “pre-diet” habits. I offer the thought of looking at your weight loss as a lifestyle. That includes what you eat to fuel your body and how you move to keep your body active. This small mindset shift is critical to train your brain to look at long-term goals that require ongoing healthy habits and effort. It also programs your brain to identify as someone who lives a healthy lifestyle instead of being a dieter. The self-talk that you do goes a long way to creating long-lasting success that becomes automatic on a daily basis. You have the power to transform your mind and body with positive and loving messages with a commitment to a lifetime of good health.

#2: Be honest about what the holiday season really is

The typical holidays beginning in the fall are only 4 days for most people: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. Yes, not everyone celebrates these 4 holidays, but in the USA, most people do. You can substitute your holidays for any of the ones I mentioned to make it more meaningful for you. The point is that between October and January 1st, there are usually only 4 twenty-four hour blocks of time that include holidays. The biggest thing to realize is that we tell our brains to go all out for the months of October, November, and December just because it’s the “holidays”. Pause and let that set in! That’s 91 days of celebration which we’ve convinced ourselves should include lots of unhealthy eating just because we’re in the “holiday spirit”! WOW! Most of us get caught up in this mindset so easily. But why? Why do we let anything yummy and sweet be eaten in excess for 3 months? Why do we get caught up in the “holiday season” this way? Good question! It’s a habit! I invite you to think about it differently this year and to take control of how you want to think about the holidays in a way that will support your weight loss. That’s right…weight loss during the holidays! Plan your healthy eating as if there is no end in sight and allow for some flexibility on each holiday, but not for a whole 3 months. You will be amazed at how you look at holidays ever again. This also applies to any celebration, birthday, or holiday during the calendar year outside of the fall season. It will change your outlook of any special day and will support your healthy eating habits to keep you healthy and happy.


#3: Ditch perfection and adopt an “-ish” approach

I speak to you from the heart here with years of experience of trying to be perfect at so many things, especially with my eating habits. I am happy to now be a reformed perfectionist, but I did not get here easily or overnight. Perfectionism is the fear of judgment from others or disapproval and is the need to set unrealistic goals and expectations on ourselves in order to please people. There are many factors that experts attribute to perfectionism which can differ from person to person. Many perfectionists are self-proclaimed while others carry it from traumatic experiences and lifelong influence from others. As adults, we have the power to flip the script on needing for how we look, how we eat, how we exercise, and how we do everything to please others so that we can live with what I call an “-ish” approach. I use this suffix a lot when I speak because it seems like such an accurate way to describe giving yourself permission not to be perfect. People who know me hear me use “-ish” often and it empowers me to be flexible with myself every time I say it. For example, instead of eating every meal exactly as you planned, you might try eating a holiday-ish meal to allow for a slight “off track” deviation which would not derail your weight loss efforts but would allow you a little wiggle room for a particular holiday meal or event. As long as you have healthy boundaries around your eating, you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to hop back on track in a more structured way once you’ve had an “-ish” moment. When you allow yourself to have a little freedom around how you fuel your body once in a while, it erases the restriction mentality that is often short-lived and can work against your long-term goals. You get to set the parameters around your “-ish” eating habits and you get to plan for them with anticipation and kindness towards yourself, which is also critical. Treating yourself with kindness and gentleness will make all of the difference as you improve your health. It makes you feel honored, respected, and worthy.

If you are ready to enjoy the holidays with your health as more of a focus, you’ve come to the right place and the time to start is NOW! I can help you ditch the belief that overindulging is something that you deserve. I can help you to reframe old habits of making dozens of cookies and eating more than you should in order to switch to properly fueling your body. And most importantly, I can help you figure out why you self-sabotage at this time of year. I listen to you, I offer strategies, and I guide you through the journey. Ready to join me? Contact me here to learn more! Make this holiday season healthier for your mind and body! Cheers to a healthy and happy holiday season!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Georgette!

Georgette LePage Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!


Woman in gray long sleeves checking her weight on scale

As I finally see light at the end of the tunnel from many months of life coming at me hard, I recently paused to think about the story that I am telling about myself as I rebound from some challenges and hone in on my tried and true weight loss lifestyle strategies and action steps. If you have ever felt like life has handed you more challenges and obstacles than you deserved at once, join the club. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I think I’ve made it in barrels, not pitchers this year! I’ve come to peace with the fact that life is unfair and is definitely 50/50 good and bad. Honestly, it is easy to think that the dose of difficult times outweighs the more joyful times when you’re in the thick of doing life and making your way in this world.

That’s an easy story to tell ourselves, so much so that it is easy to believe. It can be overwhelming, discouraging, defeating, and derailing, especially when it comes to weight loss. When life gets heavy and weighs you down, it is tempting to talk yourself out of focusing on your weight loss journey.

The story you tell yourself can become a way to avoid doing the work which in turn affects getting results. Here are some tips to tell your story in a way that supports your healthy habits and lifestyle:

  • When you say, “I’m not worth it.”, flip that sentence to say, “I’m worth the work.” Repeating these words daily can change your thoughts to believe that you are deserving of taking care of your health. Put your health first so that you can offer the best version of yourself to others. Expect to make an effort and to put in the work to make changes that last.

  • When you say, “I’ve tried everything to lose weight but nothing ever works.”, flip that sentence to say, “I’ve tried many ways to lose weight (x, y, z for example), and haven’t yet found the method that best works for me or my body.” Take time to list what has worked with you in the past and search for sources that offer programs/coaching/methods that fit how you find success. For example, if you’ve found success with journaling what you eat, follow an expert that includes food tracking as a strategy. If you enjoy a particular form of exercise, do what you love to do.

  • When you say, “Weight loss is hard.”, flip that sentence to say, “I have to put forth effort to lose weight.” This creates a storyline that weight loss is not impossible, which is a fact, and it empowers you to be motivated and eager to put forth the energy necessary for making changes in your weight. It puts you in the driver’s seat and in control of your own health.

  • When you say, “It’s easier for other people.”, flip that sentence to say, “I have to work at weight loss.” Drop the habit of comparing yourself to others so that you can stay in your lane and focus on yourself. Honestly, while it may look easy for other people to lose weight, that is not necessarily the case. We never know anyone’s full story from our vantage point, so we probably don’t fully know the work and effort others put into their results. It is unlikely that it is magically easy for anyone to drop pounds with little to no effort. Turn your envy into curiosity and learn from the facts, not assumptions.

  • When you say, “I don’t have time.”, flip that sentence to say, “We all have 24 hours in a day and how I choose to spend mine is up to me.” This mindset will set you up for success right away. It allows you to feel hopeful and positive about how much time you have to devote to your health. Chop up the hours in a day and schedule in food prep, exercise, and any other steps to get your health plan in order.

  • When you say, “I can’t do it.”, flip that sentence to say, “I can do this.” This is huge and does not pertain to only weight loss. It applies to every aspect of your life! Swapping “I can’t” for “I can” builds your confidence and pushes you into the direction of believing in yourself! In fact, you can do anything that you put your mind to, so find your why and keep reminding yourself of it daily. You will be able to flip the script and see results faster. This helps you to get out of your own way!

  • When you say, “I don’t know where to start.”, flip that sentence to say, “There are so many options. Let me do my homework and find the one that works best for my body and mind.” Another big mindset shift achieved! For sure, start with one thing: one habit to change, such as eating whole foods or cutting out sugar.

Resist the urge to do it all at once, since the less is more approach is so effective for our brains. Keep it simple and start with one small change! Just start now!

  • When you say, “I can’t ever stick to anything.”, flip that sentence to say, “I have found it challenging to keep doing certain weight loss programs, and now I’m open to finding one that suits my needs so that I can stick with it.” Tell the story of you being open to doing the work long term this time instead of sounding defeated. You have the power to change and grow and to leave your past mistakes behind you. Looking forward to progress serves you much better than staying stuck in the past.


Over the last handful of months in particular, the lessons of how to show up for myself and my health have become so clear because I have chosen to more intentionally bounce back from setbacks. It has strengthened my desire to remain healthy and to help others to do the same. I’ve chosen to use the struggles as fuel to recharge, reset, and regroup toward my goals. My challenge is for you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, set a specific goal and plan, and start with one small step today!

How empowering it is to tell your own story about your journey through life with the ups and downs and everything in between! Chances are that you will have so much to say and you can decide what you say and how you say it! Talk about holding the power for your own life! I challenge you to tell your story with a positive voice. You will be amazed at who you are and how you live your life!

What story are you telling? What story do you want to live right now? What do you want your health journey to look like right now? A very good question to think about!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Georgette!

Georgette LePage Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!

There’s something to be said for trusting your gut instincts, literally! In the busyness of daily life, it is often easy to overlook the signs that our body is trying to give us in sometimes subtle ways and sometimes in very direct ways. I see it all of the time as a health coach and once a client talks it out, they often will have a “light bulb moment” when they realize that what they’re feeling may indeed need further attention. We’ve all let an unhealthy red flag go unnoticed for fear of being a “hypochondriac,” or “weak,” or a “worry wart”. The downside of not listening to our body cues is that conditions can grow to be more serious if left untreated. Here are some common cues that are often overlooked and ways to pay closer attention in order to lead a healthier lifestyle. In any case where you feel that it is serious or you need medical attention, seek it immediately. Also, be sure to tell someone how you are feeling so that they can assist you.

outdoor shot of a woman in yellow hoodie

“I’m tired”

This may seem to be the most overused exclamation nowadays. Fatigue can signal a myriad of issues and is often dismissed as something for lazy people to be. It is recommended for adults to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. How much sleep are you getting? Look at your sleep and rest amounts, what you are eating, and how often you are getting sunlight as a first checkpoint. You might find your answer about what’s bringing on your fatigue right away. If not, consult a medical professional to check your labs. If you feel “off,” listen to your body right away! Don’t delay!

“I’m dehydrated”

People often sarcastically chuckle when a common remedy for being dehydrated is to drink more water, but it’s the first place to look! It seems too obvious, but it’s simple. Most experts say that you should try to drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day. In other words, you should drink half your weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, it is recommended that you drink 75 ounces of water. Of course, if it’s very hot out or you are exercising at an intense level, you may need to drink more than that. The color of your urine will indicate what your hydration level is: dark yellow means you need more water, light yellow is the desired color for ample water intake, and clear urine means you might be drinking too much. You know your body, so be flexible with the color comparison and know what the benchmark is for you!

“I’m hot”

Again, ask yourself some obvious questions first…

  • Have I overheated from being outside in the hot weather too long? If so, cool off indoors.

  • Have I pushed myself too hard while exercising? If so, slow down or terminate your workout right away.

  • Do I feel faint and lightheaded? If so, sit or lie down and let someone know. You may need medical attention if this is serious.

  • Is this a hot flash? If it might be, consult your medical provider to take a closer look at your menopause status.

“I don’t feel like myself”

No one knows your body like you do. If you feel unhealthy and are getting the gut feeling that something is not right with your body, act quickly. Seek medical attention ASAP. If it is not serious at the moment, sit down and rest a bit. You may find relief with a nap, healthy food, water, electrolytes or cooling down. We are a society who prides itself on the “go, go, go” pace, but this certainly can negatively affect your body and your health. Less is more, so it’s a wake up call to check in with yourself about how hard you are pressing forward each day and how your body is telling you to slow down. That being said, take note and make some changes to bring your pace of life down a notch or two!

“I’m stressed”

It seems like everyone is always stressed! A common answer to the question “How are you?” is often “I’m stressed.” Are we really all stressed? What does that really mean? According to the National Psychiatric Association, “ More than one in four (26%) reported they anticipated experiencing more stress at the start of 2023, up from one in five (20%) last year. At the same time, 29% of American adults indicated they’d adopt new year’s resolutions related to their mental health, up three percentage points from last year.” The state of worry that Americans in particular, are in right now is alarmingly high and is having a ripple effect on people’s health. I know first hand from my clients that most of them are struggling with their health and overall well-being. That is exactly why I urge everyone who feels hopeless or helpless about their weight, mental health, or day-to-day life to seek help sooner than later.

There are abundant resources available to help you move out of your stress and into a healthier, more joyful life. Declaring “I’m stressed” is indeed a reach out for help on a small level or a major one. I always tell clients that losing mental weight has to come first before you can release body weight. It is simple and logical that your mind needs to be clear and logical so that you can put steps in place for your body’s transformation to then occur. So, are you truly stressed (in a state of worry or mental tension) or are you overwhelmed (not sure what to do to make changes)? It’s a good first step to making a healthy habit transformation. One small step at a time!

Take action

Assess what your body is telling you right away! If you find it too overwhelming, talk it over with a trusted friend or family member, reach out to a coach, counselor, therapist, or medical provider (these are very different professionals). Cautiously find trusted resources online and learn more about what you can do to turn your health around. At any point if you feel the urgent need for help, call 911 and let a family member or friend know your situation.

Listening to the telltale signs of your health by paying attention to your body is key to feeling better and being healthier. You deserve to be your best self!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Georgette!

Georgette LePage Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!

Summer is in full swing, so it’s a perfect time to step back and see where your health lands on your priority list. Chances are that you may not be #1 right now. Are you too busy? Too stressed? Too overwhelmed? Too focused on others? Too scared to admit that you are worth the time investment? If this resonates with you, here are 6 tips for taking your health off the shelf in order to put yourself first.

people exercising


1: Make and keep your doctor appointments

Call your general practitioner, dermatologist, gynecologist, mammogram center, and dentist to set up your next appointment. Many people skipped appointments during Covid and have fallen behind on check-ups, so make it a point to get back on track. Get lab results when you can and look them over carefully. Also, weigh yourself, like it or not, and get an accurate, honest idea of where you are and what your body is telling you. This allows you to have a starting point. In fact, these results wake-up can come as a wake up call for getting your health in order as soon as possible.

Use the Information as motivation to change habits and be kind to yourself! Use it as feedback from your body so that you can honestly see where you are.

2: Assess your exercise activity

Be honest with yourself and list what you are currently doing to move your body. Being transparent about it will help to decide your next steps. It’s great if you track your movement on an app, a paper calendar or an electronic list because this helps you to look at what you actually do to exercise. Next, choose a new small goal and put it on your calendar. Treat your exercise like a paid appointment and honor it. Stick to doing it and check it off when you are finished. You are worth this investment of time! A suggestion is to pick a type of exercise that you like to better buy into the value of doing it.

3: Take note of what’s in your closet

What clothes are hanging out in your closet? When you walk into your closet, does it feel like a lovely boutique or the remnants of a tornado? Do you feel excited to choose an outfit or do you feel discouraged and overwhelmed with the clothes that you see? It might be a good idea for a closet makeover which will help you to be more motivated to get healthy. My favorite way to refresh a closet is to take everything out in order to start with a blank canvas. You’ll make 3 piles of clothes: one for items to keep, one for items to donate, and one for items to throw away.

Detach your emotions from each article of clothing as you put them back in sections in your closet (i.e., pants, long-sleeved shirts, short sleeve shirts, etc.). I also go one step further by organizing each section by colors. My blue short sleeve shirts are hung together, etc. This organizing skill definitely gives it a boutique feel. During this process, let go of clothes that don’t fit well and that you don’t like wearing. They no longer serve you, so out with the old and eventually in with the new! Buying new clothes is a sweeter reward than candy.

4: Clear the clutter

This strategy encompasses several areas: your home, your pantry, your car, and your mind! Less is often more, so approach this action step with the goal in mind of simplifying your environment. This might include throwing away junk food or food that is tempting that you are trying to avoid. In its place, stock up on healthier options, such as fruits and veggies. You can’t eat what’s not in your house. Clean out your car and vow not to eat while you are in it to avoid mindless consumption of calories. Organize your home to be free of distractions and unneeded objects to cut down on the overwhelm and to allow your brain to free up energy for concentrating on your health goals. In fact, this is a helpful strategy for any goal.

5: Be mindful of what you consume (other than food)

You are a reflection of who you spend time with and what you focus on. This is empowering to know because it reminds us that you are in control of where you spend your energy. Ask yourself what kind of people you surround yourself with and really examine how they affect you, what their mindset is, how active they are, what their eating habits are, where they hang out, what they believe, etc. Are you socializing with people who put healthy living first? Are you making human connections or are you lonely? Are you being dragged down by negative people? Are your friends closed-minded? Get real about where you are wasting time. Are you wasting precious time on social media? Do you get lost scrolling through posts that make you feel down on yourself? Do you feel like what you see on social media makes you feel inferior? If so, time to put some boundaries around your social media time. Clear the clutter to free up energy and brain power to live a better life.

6: Get support

It’s very possible to learn and grow on your own with so many available resources. Have at it, if that’s your style. If you do better with support and a sense of community, there are many options out there. For example, find an online expert and take what you can from their free content.

Many of us coaches offer free resources on our websites, such as I do, so take what is gifted to you. Sign up for an online course, masterclass or enroll in a coaching program. Find an expert who reflects your style and who is a good fit for you. Join a Facebook community that offers resources and discussions to help you. Look for in-person groups where you live if face-to-face connection is your preference. Listen to podcasts that will help you learn about healthy living, such as how to eat well, intermittent fasting, and sugar consumption, as a few examples. The options are numerous nowadays, so tap into the type of support that will best move you to your goals.

The whole process of shifting to a healthy lifestyle is as customized as is choosing from a menu in a restaurant. As you look inward to decide the path of healthy improvements, be gentle with yourself and candid in order to move forward and to take your health off the shelf sooner than later. I promise that you will be pleased with investing time and energy in yourself! You’ve got this!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Georgette!

Georgette LePage Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!

Simple Flips And Swaps To Kickstart Your Summer Weight Loss

Summer is here and so is the perfect time of year to take your health off the shelf and take a few small steps in the direction of a healthier lifestyle! The overwhelmed of where to start can be a very common stressor when beginning your healthy journey. There is so much information available that it can feel as if you are not sure where to start. That is why so many people simply give up trying before they even start! However, if changing old habits is important enough to you, then you will commit to making mindset shifts and habit changes to make them automatic and part of your everyday routine. Here are some simple ways to take action today!

Sportive girl measuring waist near fresh food in kitchen

A Small Plate Is Great

Eat your meals on smaller plates to get a better handle of portion sizes. Make it even more special by using fancy dishes that make you feel fancy! Even summer paper plates can be cute and functional!

When The Kitchen Is Closed, It’s Closed

This means that you should get into the habit of not eating after dinner, preferably at least 2 hours before you go to bed. Even if others are eating after dinner, resist the urge in order to let your digestive process work efficiently. Your body is like a factory and burns fat more efficiently when it does one task at a time. It’s more effective for it to digest food if you are not feeding it fuel at the same time. “Do one thing and do it right.”, says your body.

If It’s Not In Your House, You Can’t Eat It

This tip is very easy…don’t bring food into your house if you don’t want to eat it! If you’re having a weak moment and you’re searching for unhealthy food options in your pantry, you won’t find them if they aren’t there. So, don’t buy food that you don’t want to eat. SIMPLE. Be very mindful of what you (or others) bring into your home! Empower yourself to be intentional about what types of food are in your house. Set yourself up for success by stocking healthy options in your kitchen.

Are You Really Hungry?

We have all declared that we are hungry, famished or even starving at one time or another. By are we really? True hunger is a feeling in your stomach that signals a dip in blood sugar and a need for fuel. It is a very physical response that is easy to recognize once you pay attention to the cues. If you’re unsure if you’re actually hungry, drink a glass of water and wait for 20 minutes. If you truly still need fuel at that point, make healthy choices and give your body food that will serve it well.

Why Do You Eat When You Are Not Hungry?

If you find yourself mindlessly eating when you truly aren’t hungry, ask yourself what are you really feeling? Are you bored, stressed, sad, angry, etc.? If so, instead of consuming food, talk through what you are feeling and how you can deal with your emotions without taking in unnecessary food. Another good reminder is that overeating may temporarily distract you from dealing with your feelings but it will not help you to lose weight. In fact, you will probably feel worse if you overeat and your weight loss efforts are derailed. Keep your eyes on your results and remember why you are trying to lose weight: Know your why!

Drink Plenty Of Water

We benefit from drinking the amount of water that is half of our weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should take in 70 ounces of water daily. This is a quick benchmark based on your current weight. Be mindful of how much water you need daily. Other signs of needing more water include puffy hands, tightness in your legs, dry mouth, and dry skin. Keep track of how much water you drink daily to be sure to be properly hydrated.

Ditch The Snacks

There is conflicting information about snacking, so ask yourself why you think you need to eat in between meals to find out if it serves you. Many medical experts will say that your body does not need to intake fuel in between meals because it interferes with the fat-burning process. In fact, your digestion and fat-burning work best without food consumption at the same time. You will notice that eating meals without snacking in between will make mealtime more intentional and you will clean your (small) plate. You will also look forward to mealtime.

Move Your Body

I can’t stress the importance of exercise being more than for the purpose of losing weight. It’s a mindset shift to embrace movement as good for both your mind and body. You can’t outrun your food, so exercise to feel good, to keep your body in motion by being active, and to feel more energized. Choose the type of movement that you love and do that for exercise. For example, if you like to dance, join a dance class or put on your playlist and dance to your favorite songs. If you don’t like running, don’t run! It’s that logical; do what you love to move your body. Work up to more intense exercise once you feel that you are ready for more, of course! Also, treat your exercise like a paid appointment by putting it on the calendar and honoring it. You are worth it!

Give Your Closet An Update

If you walk into your closet and it doesn’t feel like a boutique, then it might be time for a makeover. How you feel in your clothes is a huge motivator to lose weight, and how you look in your clothes is equally as important. Although you may have some “motivation” clothes that you are determined to fit back into, it’s a good idea to look at each item in your closet and decide if it is worthy to hang out in your closet. Also, pay attention to your style to be sure that it either needs an update or not. Trends change and so does our taste in clothes, so look at what you have, what you want to keep, and what you want to replace.

Summertime can be fun and full of opportunities to incorporate fresh foods, new fashion choices, and vacations. As you enjoy this season, try a few of the tips and tricks here to flip less healthy habits and to move towards your weight loss goals one small step at a time! You’ll be glad that you did!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Georgette!


Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!

Healthy food on a heart-shaped wooden cutting board and a muscular arm

Hats off to you if you are taking your health seriously enough to want to make some changes! Making that decision is a good first step, so you’re on the right track! Specifically when it comes to weight loss, choosing your action steps can be overwhelming to say the least. In fact, most people tend to succumb to the overwhelm and retreat back into the safe zone of doing nothing. When you can commit to this journey, you have to be willing to do the hard work more than you are willing to stay stuck. It’s a fork in the road right away in order for you to move forward. That being said, here are 3 key ways to sift through the overwhelm of weight loss to find support.

#1: Learn About Your Options

There are more diets than you can imagine, so I’m happy to tell you that one size does not fit all. What might work for another person might not work for you. For example, if your best friend is doing Keto and has dropped a bunch of weight, that does not guarantee that you would do the same with it. There are many factors to consider and so many variables that it is impossible for everyone to get the same results. If you compare, you will despair. This will also create a discouraged attitude and could stall your progress. Instead, learn about your options and choose something that best suits you. For instance, if you are willing to follow an elimination diet, then research the pros and cons of Whole 30. Be sure to pick a plan, diet, or eating pattern that best reflects your interests and your level of commitment. Weed through your options and educate yourself on what you want to follow to shed the weight. Find reputable resources, consult with a coach or other professional, and plan the steps to carry you to success. In other words, you do you and do your research diligently and thoroughly. I call this the “grow to learn” strategy of educating yourself in detail before plunging into a direction so that you can find the right fit at the right pace.


#2: Use Social Media Sources In A Constructive Way

It is super easy to get sucked down the rabbit hole of social media, says the person guilty of such things herself. If you become enthralled in what you see and hear, precious time can easily melt away before you know it. It does feel like falling into a trance of sorts as you keep scrolling mindlessly while blocking out what is going on around you. It sort of feels like when you drive to work and wonder how you got there because it was so automatic that you may not have been paying as close attention as you should have, for example. Not advised! I’d like to offer honing in on social media posts as resources that can be filtered in order to avoid becoming time sucks. While searching for uplifting posts, podcasts, blogs, and gurus, it is a good idea to set a timer and take notes so that your search is intentional and focused to save you wasted time and to give you the information that you need.


For example, if you are looking for experts in the field of the effects of sugar, quickly narrow it down to 2-3 sources that you like and move on. Otherwise, you could spend too much time doing too much searching.

Also, when I know, like, and trust someone on social media, I look at who they follow and what resources they offer to their followers. This can be a big timesaver in the end. Again, the “less is more” approach will help you to protect your time so that you can get started on your weight loss. Being informed is a responsible way to be successful in a healthy lifestyle.

#3: Join A Community

This key to success will make all the difference in the world, so navigate through your options carefully. Very few people can go it alone when it comes to flipping their health and losing weight. It’s human nature to want to belong and losing weight can be a lonely experience, so put this strategy at the top of your list.

Again, what works for you…one on one coaching, FaceBook groups, in-person small groups, large virtual group weekly meetings, etc.? Gravitate to the community that makes you feel comfortable and that will enhance your experience. There are more communities available nowadays than ever before, especially since virtual connections became essential for connection during the pandemic. We’ll call that one of the silver linings of the unprecedented experience that the world had over the last 3 years. Used in a positive way, virtual communities offer diversity of people, ideas, and locations around the globe. It does make the world seem smaller in a sense when people with a common goal can come together to belong and support one another, no matter where they are.

So, customize your health journey in ways that work with your preferences and your strengths to find success that will lead to a long-term healthy lifestyle. You are worth the effort and energy to grow to learn so that you can learn to grow. Take your first small action step today to get your health turned around; you are worth the work!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info.

Read more from Georgette!

Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!



Happy Tuesday! One of my favorite holidays is right around the corner: Easter. To me, Easter means renewing, rejoicing, and refreshing. The weather is slowly becoming more pleasant, plants and flowers are starting to poke through the ground, the sun is out more often, leaves are bursting in color, and there is hope for leaving winter behind and seeing brighter days…literally.


It’s also a time to once again be overloaded with sweets and treats, which means doubling down on your tactics for avoiding overindulging and canceling out your healthy lifestyle changes. It’s easy to wolf down a bag of jellybeans without even noticing or to face plant into a bowl of pastel colored M & Ms without being present. Let’s be truthful here…it’s easy to do and we’ve all done it before. What happens when we let our guard down is my “ONE JELLYBEAN AWAY” concept. That means that I personally can go from 0-100 very fast and consume far more jellybeans than I need to without even realizing it. If I’m not aware of what I’m eating, it can be so easy to plow through a bag (or two) of jellybeans and begin the downward spiral into overeating and reversing my weight loss efforts. 


Sometimes I promise myself to eat only a handful of jellybeans and I honor that and move on. However, it’s very easy for me to go on a jellybean binge after eating one jelly bean. Insulin spikes are often very difficult to fight off once you start intaking sugar. Actually, it can happen to anyone with any particular food. Pick your poison: cookies, chips, ice cream, candy, chocolate, etc. It’s different for everyone, so it’s good to be aware of your “trigger” food so that you can be ready to handle those moments when it can all skid out of control very quickly without much thought.


First of all, who really eats only one jelly bean? Let’s be honest here! Who really knows when to stop and push the sweets away from you? Most of the time, I do but other times I just keep going. I call it the tornado because it can start small and spiral out of control in seconds. Can you relate? Step #1 is being aware. Step #2 is to have a response ready when it does happen. Talk to yourself out loud and acknowledge what is happening. Ask yourself why you are on the verge of overeating? What feelings are you having….sadness, boredom, anger, stress, etc.? If so, stop and get curious about what you are feeling and why. Step #3 is to walk yourself through a few questions and decide that the unhealthy food you are tempted to devour will not satisfy that feeling. In fact, it will only make matters worse. Or are you actually physically hungry? Meaning, does your body need fuel? If so, stop and feed yourself something healthy. By the way, I’ve never known anyone to binge on carrots and celery during one of these moments. Go figure!


So, be kind to yourself, get curious about why you are about to overeat, and take a step in the healthy direction. You will never regret making that choice, but you will regret giving in to that “one jellybean away” path of destruction. Stay on track and move forward! 


You’ve got this!



Ready for your own personal health & life coach to get the weight loss results you want? Contact me at to get started!

Young fit woman is preparing a protein meal in the kitchen.

We tend to put ourselves down on a regular basis. We tell ourselves that we aren’t good enough as we are and that we can’t do certain things. We often sell ourselves short on everything. Why?

The secret to achieving your weight loss goals is to find what you’re good at doing and use it as a strategy to lose weight. Work with your strengths to make progress! For example, if you are good at planning activities or events, start planning your meals for the week to include healthy options ahead of time so that you know what you are eating throughout the week. This includes creating a solid grocery list based on what you are going to cook and eat during the week. You could also plan your exercise by putting it on your calendar and honoring it like an appointment. That will help you to feel committed to show up and to keep that time set aside for moving your body. When you pencil it in on the calendar, it is more serious and more important. Chances are, you will stick to it with the same commitment that you would if it were an appointment. Perhaps you are good at cooking, so plan some new recipes for the week that will include more whole foods and fewer (or no) processed foods. Enlist the help of your family to contribute to meal making so that it’s not all work for you. It’s no secret that my culinary skills are very limited due to my lack of interest in cooking, but I’m a pretty helpful sous chef to my husband while he cooks. (I’m also good at buying groceries and cleaning up by doing the dishes.) Acknowledge what you are good at doing and find a way to incorporate it into your healthy lifestyle goals. Do you enjoy reading? Grab a book that talks about weight loss tips, trends, and practices in order to learn about ways to be healthier! Curious about intermittent fasting for example? Look it up online and read more about it to see if it suits you? Find experts who resonate with your style and philosophy on healthy living and follow them. There are so many free resources out there! There are also great investments available through programs, online memberships, and experts such as health coaches…just saying! Do your homework, be selective, and find the right people to guide you along. Another idea is to ask yourself what type of exercise or movement do you like? Look into what you can do to get started and get moving! Do you like walking? Dust off your treadmill and hop on or lace up those sneakers and go for a walk! Do you prefer a group exercise class at the gym? Look up the info and sign up so that you can show up sooner than later! Do you like to dance but haven’t done that in a while? Research what is offered in your area and sign up!

Whatever lights you up is what you would benefit from starting to get your body in motion! You will always find the time for things that you have an interest in and that are important to you, right?

So, find your inner Wonder Woman and get going on the path that will lead you to better health! There’s no time like the present, so get started by doing one small thing today! I know that you are worth it! CAUTION: How you do one thing is how you do everything, so expect that these new habits will show up in other parts of your life, as well. It’s very contagious!

Ready to get started on your weight loss journey but not sure where to start? I’m here to help! Contact me for a free 30-minute recovery session to learn more about my 10-week Meltaway Inside Out Program that is getting huge results for women over 35 who want to lose weight without diet drama. You could be next! You deserve to put your strengths to work so that you can see results sooner rather than later.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Georgette!

Georgette LePage, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Georgette LePage is a certified Health and Life Coach who empowers women all around the world to lose their mental weight first in order to then lose their physical weight. Her approach is honest, real, clear, and genuine with transformational habit change and mindset reset methods. Georgette’s energy and enthusiasm are contagious. Her focus on a healthy lifestyle inspires her clients to leave behind old diet culture thoughts and patterns in order to embrace fresh and simple ways to live their best lives without diet drama. Empowerment, self-confidence, and self-care are cornerstones of the programs that she offers. She helps her clients to get the results that they want with realistic, real-life strategies. She lives her own life the way she coaches others. She listens to what her clients want and guides them with compassion and accountability as they achieve their goals. She works with people of all ages (teens to seniors and every age in between) who are ready to live a healthier, more joyful life. Georgette also hosts the talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? with Dr. Pat Baccili on Transformational Talk Radio. In addition to speaking English, she also is fluent in French and Spanish. Georgette has 32 years of experience as a World Language Teacher, as well. Her coaching motto is: Feel better. Look better. Be your best self!



Happy Tuesday! We all know that moving your body is super important to your health, but did you realize how sedentary Americans are? In fact, 25% of Americans are considered inactive and do not move their bodies on a daily basis. YIKES! That directly contributes to obesity, diabetes, low energy, fatigue, depression, early aging, and multiple other health conditions. Isn’t that enough to get you off the couch and out the door for a brisk walk? If you are not yet a person who is active and moves your body, today’s blog is for you! 


So, where do you start? Just to be clear, not everyone wants to train for a marathon or hike Mount Everest, and that’s perfectly fine. Let’s acknowledge that we are all at different starting points and ability levels. Exercise is essentially body movement with intention. It means different things to different people, so define up front what it means to you and declare that as your way of moving your body. First, figure out what you do like to do to be active: Do you like walking? Does swimming interest you? Does jogging sound fun? Do you enjoy lifting weights? Does riding your bike refresh you? Whatever you enjoy, just start doing it TODAY! Don’t wait for perfect weather or tons of time or someone else to join you! It’s your responsibility to make the first step forward alone or with a buddy. Chances are that if you wait for someone else to initiate a time to exercise with you, you won’t get it done. 


It can start with parking your car further away in the parking lot at the grocery store or walking upstairs multiple times a day or doing yard work, for example. It can also mean signing up for a 5K race and plotting the training days and details on your calendar ahead of time. Another example is to walk your dog regularly or put your small child in a stroller and walk around the neighborhood. If weather gets in your way, walk indoors at the local mall, dust off your treadmill and hop on for a stroll or walk around your workplace during breaks and lunch. Do what works for you, do what lights you up and what it takes to move your body!

Treat your exercise like a paid appointment: put it on the calendar, show up on time, do the work, and check it off your list as you bask in the feeling of accomplishment and the release of endorphins. If you had a dentist appointment scheduled, you’d most likely show up on time, so why is your health any different? Aren’t you worth feeling better and living a more active lifestyle? I know that you are, so take my challenge to do something to improve your mood, energy level, stress level, and health while very possibly shedding a few pounds along the way. It’s a win win for you! Happy moving!


You’ve got this,



Happy Tuesday! Did you ever notice how good you feel about yourself when you’ve nailed the perfect outfit? It’s hard to deny the feeling of looking good in what you wear! It just feels empowering! When was the last time that you reflected on your style? Do you know what your style is? Are you satisfied with the clothes that you wear and how you look in them? At times, we tend to ignore updating our look and our clothes out of habit. Have you ever considered examining what you wear and how you wear it? It’s worth a peek into your closet to see where you are with your style! It’s one thing to feel comfortable in your clothes and another to actually look good in them. Here are 5 simple steps to ignite your inner fashionista! 



Are you 100% casual and live in workout clothes? Are you a jeans only girl? Are you trendy and follow all of the fashion fads? Think about the type of clothes you feel most comfortable in and the ones that fit you best and take a look at what you already have. Weed through the items to determine what needs to be kept, donated, or tossed in the garbage. Hold up each piece and ask yourself what vibe this puts out and how you feel wearing it. You’ll know what to do with it after this little test.



Do you care about wearing the latest look or do you have your own style and are happy with it? This will help you to decide the intensity that you need to apply during this sifting in the closet. If you’re more on the trendy side, follow expert stylists who you trust. You can also ask a friend who will be brutally honest with you about your clothes. Careful when you are shopping, though, as most salespeople assisting you in the dressing room when you are trying on clothes are there to make a sale, so their feedback may be biased. I do return to a particular store intentionally because I know they are very honest about how what I try on fits. Surprisingly, they offer me advice not to make me feel good about myself but to sell me the clothes that fit me better. My favorite stylists on YouTube are Kay Harms and Marnie Goldberg. Check them out if you need a starting point!


Would you like to have fewer clothes that are of higher quality or more pieces that are of lesser quality? There’s no right or wrong answer, so decide if less is more or more is best! Plan your budget accordingly. Many minimalists spend a lot of money on a few mix and match items and look fabulous. To me, it’s the difference between a handful of gourmet jelly beans and a big bag of cheap no name jelly beans. Quality wins every time! Plus, it cuts down on the overwhelm of having too much in your closet and the feeling of being stressed!



Tour your closet and notice what hangs out there right now. Does it feel like a beautiful boutique or a hot mess of disheveled clothes? Assess if it’s time to toss older items and replace them with new ones. You could do others a real favor by donating usable clothes in respectable condition, so don’t hesitate to pass on any items that no longer serve you. Also, it’s the perfect time to organize your closet and drawers to see what you actually have and need. Most of the time, less is more! The rule of thumb is that if you haven’t worn something in a year, it’s time to get rid of it! I have the one in, one out rule: when I buy something new, something in my closet has to go; it’s time to donate or throw it away!



Sometimes an “old” outfit simply needs some accessories to give it a refresh! Dress up a top or down play a dress with the right choice of jewelry, scarves, shoes or purses. Sometimes you just need a little something to complete your look! Have fun with dressing up your outfit to give it that final touch!


Have some fun and revamp your wardrobe to match your current mood, style, and interests. Act your age or not, but dress your body for success with a little thought and intention so that you can love the clothes you live in! Your confidence will soar when you look your best and it gives you incentive to keep working on your weight loss goals! 


You’ve got this!
