What do you actually do, Georgette? What a great question and a perfect place to start together so that we are all on the same page. Health & Life Coaching is NOT therapy or counseling! We do not diagnose or prescribe anything. This is important to know! It is when a coach listens to what you want for results, draws out valuable information by asking lots of questions (such as why), and then guides you with action steps and mindset goals, as well as accountability. The focus is on your future self, not your past mistakes. It’s the individualized attention of a coach that is the magic sauce! You have all of the answers to how to get what you want, so as your coach I then walk alongside you through your journey! It’s about accountability, partnership, and trust. I tell clients that I listen to all of the puzzle pieces that you give me and then I help you to fit together what you already know in order to get what you want. YOU HAVE ALL OF THE ANSWERS IN YOUR BRAIN! I’M HERE TO HELP YOU TO FIGURE IT OUT! 

Being accountable to someone one on one is critical to reaching your weight loss goals! Having an expert with a lifetime of experience giving you 100% of her time during your sessions is huge to moving that needle on the scale in the right direction. I listen with compassion, expertise, and first-hand experience to guide you and to cheer you on!  

These past 2 years have been very taxing and challenging to say the least, so it’s the perfect time to become my next client who will experience life-changing transformation! Are you ready to get started to make healthy changes? Get in touch with me right away!

You’ve got this!





Happy Tuesday! We all know someone who says she’s sorry all of the time, don’t we? What type of vibe does that put out to others? Most likely, it says that this person is unsure of herself and lacks confidence. It seems as if she lets people run all over her like a doormat, right? It almost becomes overused, so others don’t take it as a genuine “sorry” after a while. Does this sound like someone you know or does it sound like you?


Being over apologetic can actually stand in your way of weight loss. It can act as an obstacle between you and your weight loss goals. It also chips away at your self confidence by repeatedly telling yourself that you are sorry so often that you diminish your own empowerment. For example, a client of mine is always apologizing to her family for trying to eat healthier food to the point where her daughter actually told her to stop saying she was sorry for the healthy habits that she was adopting because there was no reason for her to apologize. My client hadn’t even realized what she was doing. She flipped her habit of saying sorry and started to say, “Thanks for supporting me when I eat this way.” instead. She felt more confident and her family was relieved to not keep hearing her broken record chatter. It was a win-win.


In our tennis group, we are all guilty of tossing around the word sorry far too often. Yes, it is a habit, and yes, you can change it. We are a work in progress as a group and are more aware of how many times we apologize. I’ve joked in the group that “ I’m sorry” needs to be saved if your ball hits someone (especially in the face) and “oops” is a better option for the other mistake moments. It feels so much better inside and keeps your self confidence in tact. We are still working on this!


Someone who apologizes ad nauseam often fears conflict and  offending others. Also, it points right to the fear of what others think. My clients know that one of my favorite quotes is, “WHAT PEOPLE THINK OF YOU IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.” by Jack Canfield. There are many versions of this quote, but the idea is the same! It connects well to not saying you’re sorry for every little thing. Save “I’m sorry” for the right moment; its meaning will have a greater impact that way, too.  


This week, I’d like to offer for you to pay close attention to how many times you say you are sorry, how you feel when you say it, and how people around you react. Do you overuse those words? How is it blocking your weight loss goals? Chances are you will feel more empowered and confident about your weight loss by cutting back on how many times you over apologize to people. Save it for the right moment…like when you (accidentally) hit your friend in the face with a tennis ball–just saying! Tearing down weight loss obstacles one at a time is a huge step to reaching your goal. Give it a try and let me know how it changes your perspective!


You’ve got this!




Happy Tuesday! The world has always been full of turmoil since the beginning of time, but it sure feels even more out of whack right now. Real people are going through real tough times filled with uncertainty, stress, and fear. That being said, your health has never been more important than it is right now. As the world enters “recovery mode” from the pandemic, it’s the optimal time to ask yourself why you want to be healthier so that your path to success can be clearer with more intention and focus.


So, did you get an alarming diagnosis from your doctor recently? Did you see the number on your scale go up? Did you get lab results that were disturbing? Did you notice that your clothes feel tight lately? Do you feel exhausted and zapped of energy? Basically, knowing why you want to be healthier leads you to a clearer goal. Being specific with goal setting brings better results.


When you know the purpose of your goal, it is easier to set your action steps in a reasonable way so that you keep your eyes on the prize through a realistic lens. For example, if your lab results indicated that you are overweight, a good goal would be to shed enough weight to put you into the “normal” weight range. Your purpose would be to reach a weight that is healthier for your body. Then, you can set a reasonable amount of weight to lose in a reasonable amount of time. This is where the guidance of a health coach comes in handy and gives you accountability! I love helping people get the results that they want!


Whatever your purpose is for improving your health, do it with intention and get started sooner than later by doing one small step at a time. This will help you to avoid overwhelming yourself with too much too fast. I challenge you to give it a try this week! If you need encouragement, reach out to me and we can get started on our journey together! It always helps to have someone encouraging you along the way! That’s what I do and I love it!


You’ve got this!



Happy Tuesday! In today’s blog, I am providing you with some statistics and then I am tossing some questions to you! I was inspired to do so by today’s episode of my talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? that airs live at 2PM ET! It really caused me to look at the reality of where we are as humans with our mental and physical health. I hope that you will be curious about learning more!



According to an article from Boston University School of Public Health, “Depression among adults in the United States tripled in the early 2020 months of the global coronavirus pandemic—jumping from 8.5 percent before the pandemic to a staggering 27.8 percent. New research from Boston University School of Public Health reveals that the elevated rate of depression has persisted into 2021, and even worsened, climbing to 32.8 percent and affecting 1 in every 3 American adults” (McCoy).  


QUESTION #1:  Do you feel depressed? Do you feel exhausted mentally from two years of living through the pandemic? Do you feel down or blue? Do you lack motivation?

QUESTION #2: What are you doing about it? What is ONE small step you can take to feel better?



The average person gained 29 pounds during the pandemic. The average person who was previously overweight gained 50 pounds during this time.


QUESTION #1: Did you gain weight during COVID? If so, how much? How does your body feel with that extra weight?


QUESTION #2: What did you do specifically that resulted in weight gain…be honest? What is ONE small step you can take to lose weight starting TODAY?



People experienced difficulty sleeping, including nightmares and interrupted sleep.


QUESTION #1: Have you noticed an interruption or change in your sleep patterns over the last two years? What are they specifically? How is that affecting you mentally and physically?


QUESTION #2: Are you getting the recommended amount of sleep for your age?





I hope these 3 facts help you to be more aware of some trends over the last two years so that you can be proactive with your health to take small steps to move forward to a better mental and physical version of yourself. I’d love to work with you one on one to coach you to better health, so contact me (glepage7@me.com)  to set up a free discovery session so that we can get started! You are worth the work!


You’ve got this!









McCoy, Jillian. “Depression Rates in US Tripled When the Pandemic First Hit—Now, They’re Even Worse.” Boston University, 7 October 2021. 




Happy Tuesday! Our society has portrayed multitasking as a badge of honor with a clear message: do more things at the same time to be a superwoman. Sorry to burst your bubble, but multitasking is a sham. It sounds impressive at first, but it becomes exhausting, ineffective, and defeating after attempting to do it all at once.


Our brains aren’t designed to multitask; they are designed to do one thing at a time. We can switch to another task quickly, which triggers the brain’s start and stop process. That takes energy and focus, which is why multitasking can lead to more stress in the end. Multitasking is a “quantity over quality” mentality. Have you ever experienced frustration after trying to do several things at once? How effective were you? Are you even aware of how that drains your focus and energy? 


One day a handful of summers ago, I was in the kitchen taking out a burrito from the freezer to warm up for my son. The next thing I knew 15 minutes later, the burrito was missing. Without being aware of what I was doing, I realized that in that short amount of time, I had answered the phone, switched out a load of laundry, and put the dog out while my son waited for his burrito. Thinking back to that time frame, it was a blur. I hadn’t really concentrated on one thing, so I hadn’t even done one thing completely before adding in another task. I thought I was checking items off my to-do list like a pro, so what happened? By the way, I found the unthawed burrito in the kitchen drawer with our keys several hours later. I guess I had tried to do something else at that time, too. LESSON LEARNED.


So, I’ve been kinder to myself by trying to do one thing at a time thoroughly before moving on to the next task. Honestly, it requires retraining and a lot of patience. Practice makes it better, not perfect! This week, I challenge you to be kinder to yourself (and your brain) by doing one thing at a time. Be more mindful and present and see how that feels! What happens as a result? I’d love to hear what you discover! Also, I do recommend the book The Twelve Monotasks  by Thatcher Wine. It is an easy read and helps you to stop and think about this new habit.


You’ve got this!



Happy Tuesday! This week, I want to ask you a very thoughtful question: Where do you get your energy? This is key to changing habits by first looking at where you are right now. In other words, what fuels your energy, your passion, your motivation, and your creativity? Where are you currently finding these important parts of your life? These are different areas of your life and yet they are interconnected by where your focus is. What are you spending time doing? What are you reading? What podcasts and music are you listening to? How are you getting exercise? 


For example, if you are feeling low on energy, you may discover what is the source of this drain by looking at where you are putting your energy. You might realize that you are reading books that keep you up at night, therefore leading to you feeling tired. Perhaps you are not getting any exercise and it’s making you feel run down and fatigued. You might even be listening to podcasts that are not up lifting. Whatever the case, do you want to find a new energy surge in your life? Here are a few quick ideas:


  1. Make a list of how you spend your time each day and rate those activities on a scale of 1-10, one being “not much at all” and ten being “all the time”.
  2. Look at your list and scratch off ONE thing that drains your energy so much that it is not worth it.
  3. Eliminate that item for ONE WEEK entirely.
  4. One week later, ask yourself how your energy is since you eliminated that item and is it work eliminating for good. 
  5. Make that adjustment.


If you’re unsure about which positive podcast to listen to or what uplifting book you could read, do a Google search and start the hunt for new energy sources. There are thousands of options waiting for you, if not more. You can even ask a friend or family member what they are listening to or reading to get some ideas, too.


This week, take this energy drain challenge and see how one small step can lead you to more energy and more positive thinking by getting started with ONE thing. You’ll quickly notice how effective the power of one can be. Let me know what you find out! I bet you’ll be surprised with good, uplifting vibes that are waiting for you to discover!


You’ve got this!







Happy Tuesday! Valentine’s Day is less than a week away, so this week’s blog offers you this idea: YOU LOVE YOU! Just like I enjoy reminding people “YOU BE YOU”, I’d like to offer you the idea of “YOU LOVE YOU”. How you treat yourself is how others treat you. It’s the vibe that you put out to the universe that sends the message to others about how to treat you and in this case, how to love you.


According to a survey by the National Retail Federation, Americans spent $21.8 billion for Valentine’s Day in 2021 and are expected to spend $23.9 billion in 2022 — making this year’s expected spending the second-highest on record. This is a big holiday in our culture. It’s very hyped up and very encouraged. So, as Valentine’s Day approaches, how much do you love yourself? How do you love yourself? What does that look like to you? “YOU LOVE YOU” is a concept that encourages you to be kind to yourself and to look at yourself in the mirror and truly love the person staring back at you. When you love yourself, others will do the same. When you are kind to yourself, others get the message that it’s an expectation to love you the same way. It’s a question of self respect, as well.


Perhaps this year, you will be your own Valentine and will love yourself with intention. You don’t need to wait for others to love you, so go first and see what ripple effect happens as a result. “YOU LOVE YOU” and show up for yourself, not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day! You deserve all of the goodness that flows from this self love. CAUTION: Once you genuinely love yourself, it will become automatic and will change your outlook on life! Be ready for great things to happen. You deserve it and you are worth it! XXOO


You’ve got this!


Happy Tuesday! Today is an amazing day for me both personally and professionally! It’s the debut of my new talk radio show WHY WEIGHT? on Transformational Talk Radio with Dr. Pat Baccili. This will allow me to get my message out to millions of people so that your health journey can start today! This is a dream come true for me and has required a lot of hard work, determination, creativity, motivation, self belief, confidence, and tons of learning. My mentor, Dr. Pat Baccili, has been inspirational and has pushed me out of my comfort zone, for sure. I have learned so much in the last few months and have much more to continue to learn and grow from. Thanks to her incredible team, as well. 


I do hope you’ll watch and listen live by clicking the link below. You can also find this episode after the show in PODCASTS on my main page of this site. 




I hope I’ve inspired someone to step out of your comfort zone to dream big! Let me know what you think of the show!


You’ve got this!











Happy Tuesday! Last week, we talked about the “STAY IN YOUR LANE” strategy. How did that resonate with you? Did you try it? If so, how did that change your stress and overwhelm levels? To follow up on that mindset shift, I’d like to offer you another one of my favorite strategies: “CARE BUT NOT CARRY”. When we take on other people’s worry, stress, and overwhelm to an excessive point, it weighs us down and zaps our own happiness, peace, and energy. Even if our heart is in the right place, we still feel the effects of carrying other people’s problems. 


I’ve got such a great visual for this one! Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking through an airport pulling one suitcase behind you…just one that is yours. Keep picturing yourself walking to your gate and picking up more suitcases along the way…one by one. By the time you reach the gate, your own suitcase is buried underneath everyone else’s and they are all so heavy for you to pull. In fact, it’s too much for you and has you in a stressful state of mind at this point. 


You might wonder how that happened and why you let it happen, right? It’s such a good thing to examine a situation and to figure out what happened so that you can choose differently next time. How do I care but not carry others’ burdens, especially when I do care about others and I have a kind heart? You can do both and still keep your own stress level low. When someone shares a struggle with you, you can genuinely listen and offer your support. The difference is offering your support in a way that works for you. For example, offering a friend who is struggling with a homemade dinner on a night that works for you is so much better than offering to bring her dinner every night next week without considering your schedule and obligations. Think before you offer so that your offer is genuine and will not create stress for you! 


Also, we often carry other people’s stress when we don’t need to. Listen, be compassionate, offer support, pray for that person, and focus back on your own life. You can be compassionate to others without letting it overtake your life. It’s a boundary strategy that protects your mental and physical energy supply while still being a caring human.


So, I challenge you this week to CARE BUT NOT CARRY in a loving way to others and to yourself. The result is more energy and empowerment for you to focus on what you need inside and out! Give it a try and you might be surprised how you can be both loving and caring with this new boundary! Have an empowered week!


You’ve got this!
